
Maximising the Value of Resistivity Data for Enhanced Pore Pressure Prediction Using Rock Physics in RokDoc

Resistivity data, a staple in drilling campaigns, is widely utilized for pore pressure prediction due to its availability and vertical coverage. However, traditional shale-based prediction methods often overlook the limitations of resistivity data and the complexities introduced by rock physics parameters such as clay fraction, mineralogy variations, and the effects of temperature and salinity. These factors can lead to inaccuracies, with high Clay Volume (VClay) potentially reducing log magnitudes (e.g., Resistivity, Vp), mimicking a high pore pressure signature that may not truly exist.

This webinar will introduce a groundbreaking rock physics-based technique that leverages resistivity log data to refine pore pressure predictions. We will explore the theory behind VClay’s impact on pore pressure and demonstrate how RokDoc’s latest Rock Physics Model for Pore Pressure workflow addresses these challenges. Join us to discover how this advanced approach compares to traditional, non-corrected methods and unlocks greater accuracy in your pore pressure predictions.


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