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Automated Rock Physics Model Selection for Exploration and Production (Rock Physics Machine Learning)

This webinar presents a novel new technique – Automated Rock Physics Model Selection – that leverages the expectation-maximization algorithm to simultaneously derive facies, rock physics models and parameters, and associated compaction trends directly from measured well log data. The RokDoc implementation provides a consistent, repeatable, and objective means of classifying log data, calibrating RPMs, and deriving the inputs for facies-based inversions, thus overcoming interpreter bias, whilst significantly speeding up the well log interpretation process. RokDoc Rock Physics Machine Learning (RPML)

This webinar explains and demonstrate how the new function works, highlighting its strengths in storing and propagating expert knowledge through Petrophysics, Rock Physics, and Reservoir Characterization workflows. The viewer will gain a good understanding of the relevant applications and tasks that this new Deep QI functionality can assist with and optimize as well as an opportunity to try it on their own data.

Resource Info Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool for Well-Log Data
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool for Well-Log Data
Resource Info Unlocking the Future: Exciting New AI Tools, Enhanced Data Management
Unlocking the Future: Exciting New AI Tools, Enhanced Data Management
Resource Info Maximising the Value of Resistivity Data for Enhanced Pore Pressure Prediction Using Rock Physics in RokDoc
Maximising the Value of Resistivity Data for Enhanced Pore Pressure Prediction Using Rock Physics in RokDoc
Resource Info Can we Ignore Anisotropy for Seismic Inversion?
Can we Ignore Anisotropy for Seismic Inversion?
Resource Info Leveraging Advanced Techniques to Maximize Seismic Data Quality for Enhanced Reservoir Characterisation Value
Leveraging Advanced Techniques to Maximize Seismic Data Quality for Enhanced Reservoir Characterisation Value
Resource Info Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Characterization and Prediction
Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Characterization and Prediction
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