Case Studies

Central North Sea Rock Physics with Pressure Study

Roknowledge CNS is an integrated rock physics with geopressure study designed to identify and unlock hidden potential within the Eocene, Palaeocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic intervals.

This unique study includes 35 wells from across a broad area of the Central North Sea (CNS). Our expert rock physics and geopressure teams generated a fresh and up to date interpretation of the key pressure and rock physics mechanisms in the CNS which control or contribute to the seismic behaviour of key reservoir intervals.

Curate Delivery

The study is delivered through Curate as an interactive atlas enabling: 

  • Instant access through a web browser to interactively view all information and knowledge captured within the study, with access to download of all primary study deliverables 
  • Collaboration by creating ‘projects’ for specific groupings of people to work on exploration and appraisal  projects, creating well views, AVO scenarios, maps, cross correlation panels etc 
  • Ability to make trend maps from well attributes such as markers (depth) and logs 
  • Ability to rapidly create AVO scenario models across all study wells and intervals – model fluid, lithology, porosity variations 
  • Streamlined workflows for all stakeholders with applications from geophysical interpretation (seismic modelling) through to engineering (rapid access to petrophysical sums/averages for reservoir property modelling)
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