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Empowering End-Users: The Real Value of Digital Transformation

The energy industry is investing millions of dollars in wide-ranging digital transformation projects, but frequently these initiatives fail to effect real company-wide improvements in efficiency.
Ikon Science has revolutionized the utilization of our clients vast data and technical resources to make efficiency step changes throughout the organization, (extra space) doing so by building processes to empower on those who add the most value to the organization – the data consumers.
In this talk, Chris Hanton – VP of Data Solutions, will explain how the Ikon Science team works with our clients to map business challenges to their underlying technical causes and build solutions that streamline data utilization from top to bottom of a subsurface department. Using real-life case studies, he will walk through the Ikon Science implementation plan, showing how it guides clients through the process of turning vision into real business enhancing value that begins today.
Resource Info Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool for Well-Log Data
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool for Well-Log Data
Resource Info Data Management Isn’t Just for Data Managers
Data Management Isn’t Just for Data Managers
Resource Info Maximizing Your Workflow Efficiency: Seamless Integration of Petrel and RokDoc
Maximizing Your Workflow Efficiency: Seamless Integration of Petrel and RokDoc
Resource Info Ensuring Safe Drilling using Shale-Based Pore Pressure Prediction: an Introduction and Review of the Workflow in RokDoc
Ensuring Safe Drilling using Shale-Based Pore Pressure Prediction: an Introduction and Review of the Workflow in RokDoc
Resource Info Revolutionize Your Seismic Interpretation: Explore the Impact of Elastic Properties and Geometry with Attrimod’s Multi-Scenario, Multi-2D Synthetic Seismic Modelling
Revolutionize Your Seismic Interpretation: Explore the Impact of Elastic Properties and Geometry with Attrimod’s Multi-Scenario, Multi-2D Synthetic Seismic Modelling
Resource Info Enhancing Reservoir Management a Comprehensive 4D Monitoring Approach Through Rock Physics
Enhancing Reservoir Management a Comprehensive 4D Monitoring Approach Through Rock Physics
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