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Defining The Safe Drilling Window: An Introduction and Review of the Shale-Based Pore Pressure Prediction Workflow in RokDoc

Understanding the pore pressure regime prior to drilling is a vital step in ensuring a successful and safe operation. The most common industry-wide practice is to predict pore pressure by using normal compaction trends that utilizes shale porosity as a proxy to vertical effective stress.  Here, we introduce and review the Shale-Based Pore Pressure Prediction Workflow as part of the RokDoc Software Suite.

This webinar will lay out the theory behind the topic and interactively show how pore pressure can be calculated in the RokDoc software suite. We will:

  • outline the prerequisite data and information for shale-based pore pressure prediction
  • compute the overburden stress
  • discuss the theory behind normal compaction trends and how overpressure can be generated
  • calculate the pore pressure using different methods and highlight some limitations of the technique
  • estimate the fracture pressure using different methods

RokDoc is the result of more than 20 years of innovative research and industry experience. RokDoc offers a seamless interface incorporating everything from data quality control to modeling and prediction, integrating multidisciplinary workflows for Quantitative Interpretation, Pore Pressure, and Geomechanics.

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