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Integrated Simulation-to-Seismic and Seismic Reservoir Characterization in a CO₂ EOR Monitoring Application

Interdisciplinary geoscience collaboration and well-defined workflows from data acquisition to reservoir simulation are needed to effectively handle the typical challenges of EOR fields and the envisioned future commercial-scale sites for planned and incidental geologic CO₂ storage. The success of operations depends on decisions made with good understanding of geologic formation heterogeneity and fluid and pressure movements in the reservoir over large areas over time. We present a series of workflows that optimize the use of available data to improve and integrate the interpretation of facies, injection effects, and production effects in an EOR application.

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Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool for Well-Log Data
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Ensuring Safe Drilling using Shale-Based Pore Pressure Prediction: an Introduction and Review of the Workflow in RokDoc
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Revolutionize Your Seismic Interpretation: Explore the Impact of Elastic Properties and Geometry with Attrimod’s Multi-Scenario, Multi-2D Synthetic Seismic Modelling
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Enhancing Reservoir Management a Comprehensive 4D Monitoring Approach Through Rock Physics
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