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Ikon Science offers fully integrated workflows that leverage the interaction between geomechanics, pore pressure, and quantitative interpretation to generate complete stories of the reservoir for either hydrocarbon extraction or fluids sequestration. The goal is to generate more robust, actionable subsurface models that identify and quantify risk, delivering safer and more efficient drilling, reducing downtime and  improving environmental outcomes.

Regionally Informed Local Knowledge

Regionally Informed Local Knowledge

Our team of experts deliver rigorous assessments of pore pressure and stress-generating mechanisms, by building understanding of both the regional and local wellbore conditions, through time.

Multi-disciplinary Prediction

Our multi-disciplinary approach enables our clients to develop an accurate understanding of subsurface conditions. Reduce drilling risk/hazards, increase wellbore stability, optimize casing seat selection, and design the pre-drill mud window with our collaborative project plan.

Multi-disciplinary Prediction
Geologically-Sensible Modelling

Geologically-Sensible Modelling

Our Services Team use the best available 1D and/or 3D data to calibrate geologically-sensible pressure and stress models, to better understand the subsurface and effectively build robust drilling plans. Our approach to uncertainty and data analysis leads to successful pore pressure and geomechanical prediction, enabling successful outcomes for our clients.

Driven by Data

Ikon helps our clients to understand what data are valid and what is theoretically possible, a key part of the de-risking phase, helping reduce uncertainty and avoid producing over-constrained estimates through the data review and interpretation phase, which is critical to building effective subsurface pressure and stress models.

Capture Uncertainty

We capture and communicate uncertainties using a best practice approach to overcome inherent uncertainty. Our expert understanding of the complexity and diversity of geological conditions, rock properties and fluid dynamics delivers improved accuracy in prediction.

Ikon's Other Service Solutions

Service Offerings

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